Simulation of the O&M phase with the commercial cost modelling and strategy optimisation tool Shoreline. The subsea components, such as the mooring lines and support platform hydrodynamics, are modeled in OrcaFlex. Orcaflex model definition Isight model configuration Isight Optimization Orcaflex simulation FAST model definition FAST simulation. The wind turbine, its aerodynamic loads, control system, tower and the six degree-of-freedom rigid-body platform motion is modeled in FAST.
High accuracy level in defining of residual lay tensions leading to predict correct free spans on uneven seabed and has proven to be vital cost saving for similar projects. FAST and OrcaFlex to create a high-fidelity modeling tool for offshore wind turbines. This paper introduces the dynamic continuous lay method and compares it with the conventional method, and further validates the accuracy level of this technique by comparison of obtained results with offshore survey data. OrcaFlex is the worlds leading package for the dynamic analysis of offshore marine systems, renowned for its breadth of technical capability and. This method has significantly reduced the required length of protection such as the Uraguard™ and VIV strakes along the span section by identifying only the critical free spans. The most significant benefit of this novel technique is in reducing the overall cost of the project by reducing the offshore installation complexity by minimising seabed intervention work and speeding up the operational time. This new method remembers line motion history to capture the correct frictional effects and residual tension at TDP.
The discrepancies occur as by laying of product and moving of vessel forward in each static step, software solves for the static equilibrium position by iterating to achieve zero out of balance force thus affecting the friction force in equilibrium and residual tension at TDP. This method is an improvement to the normal static steps lay analysis method that produces unrealistic results in steep slopes. Using this tool we are able to model the inherently non-linear response of subsea equipment in both the time and frequency domain and assess a diverse range of dynamic offshore marine systems in an efficient and productive way. The new approach is based on dynamic continuous lay method used in installation analysis. OrcaFlex is a powerful tool that encompasses a large variety of objects and features which enable assessing complex systems and applications through a mathematical model. The complex comprises subsea wellheads in water depths down to 430m, tied back to the FPU via 9 flowlines and 7 umbilical's resting on a seabed along routes including major escarpment areas with undulous terrain while descending mountains at angle up to 50 degrees, seabed surface varying from soft clay & silty sands to weak coral area, and passing through large boulders area. To meet the expectations innovative lay analysis has been developed for laying of umbilical and flexible flowlines of Jangkrik Complex Project.

And a uniquely wide range of benefits that will make a real difference to your business right from day one.Management of geohazard risks and lowering the costs can only be achieved by adopting an out-of-the box thinking for the development of novel techniques. tools such as OrcaFlex can be used to generate safe operating tables for.

So whether you’re concerned with research, analysis or engineering, whether your work involves oil & gas, wet renewables, oceanographic, seismic, defence or aquaculture, with Orcaflex, you’ll have the most powerful, flexible and responsive software at your command. With typical costs of 200,000 per day, installation vessel time needs to be. Proven time and time again in a myriad of applications, Orcaflex can transform the way you undertake analysis and design, giving you the speed, accuracy and ease of use that will make the whole process more simple and straightforward than ever before. When it comes to dynamic analysis software, no other package comes close to the power, performance and capability of Orcaflex.